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Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm back!

Photos for Smoove's house party last Thursday @ Aloha!
Sorry fr the lack of updates, 'm really busy with... life. Ha, just checked my number of posts for this past 1 year plus. 55 posts? Pathetic much. Hahaha. But well... 365 days(and two months to be exact) and I had 55 posts which means, 3xx days of mine is spent without jotting down. Which means.... my memories are not jotted down and it will be forgotten. Oh well.. I guess I'm quite much of a lazy bum.

I just found out a way to mass upload photos! Thou it can only upload about 20 by 20 at a time. But it's better than 5 by 5 right! So as you can see.. Only 20 photos are uploaded below. Gonna upload another 20 on my next post later. Oh, or maybe.. next time.

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