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Thursday, November 10, 2011

10th November, fame hunger bitch

Worked at Cine BFF just now and after that went to meet Winteng for dinner. Had a talk together and talked about almost everything under the sun. Sometimes I got angry with her for leaving me alone, but I'm always fine afterwards. I'm so petty, hahaha.
It's going to be a long and wordy post, so if you don't want to read, Byebye! :)

The more I think of it, the more angry I get!!! Really need to vent out before I explode. :(
Never thought that H will be this kind of person. Rlly thought H is cute at first(I sound les, lol) But apparently, she proved me wrong. Why? H broke her promise to W and I really felt damn not worth it for W.

The truth is, H bought shoes from W and H started talking to W. H got closer to W. H wants to be a blogger but H's view rate PER DAY is LESS than 200. W's view rate is higher than H's by like 3-4times okay. Thou she's not exactly like famous, her average readership is still higher than H. So W, being nice, taught H a lot of things and they got closer.

W and H promised each other not to post any bad about each other on social platform etc, Fs. But... God knows why H broke her promise while W deleted all the negative comments about H on Fs. SEE HOW BAD H WAS? Btw, I saw those negative comments about H on W's fs that are not published. Plus W don't have to lie to me what, what does she have to gain right?

A lot of anon kept saying that W snatched H's readers but the truth is, H has less than 200 view rates per day. SO WHO IS THE ONE SNATCHING READERS AH? Yeah, after she got to know W, her readership increased. I don't see a point of saying out cause it's already damn obvious who snatched whose readers okay.

In addition, I really can't stand H's indirect hurtful tweets and comments. H said something like, thanks for showing me the way, I know to walk the rest by myself or something. DON'T YOU THINK IT'S FUCKING BAD?! HELLO, YOU'RE A STUPID FAME HUNGER BITCH AND YOU HAVE PSYCHOTIC PEA-SIZED BRAIN. YOU CAN PHOTOSHOP WHOLE FACE BUT YOU CAN NEVER PHOTOSHOP YOUR UGLY AND DISTORTED PERSONALITY. And you can stop acting like you're damn popular okay? It's sad but it is the truth that you can never be a full-time blogger like you 'wished'. Stop trying so hard ok? HAHAHA. I sound like Evil.

I apologized if I 'ACCIDENTALLY'(I did it in purpose actually) anger anyone in my blogpost. I don't know H personally but I trust W's words. I just feel unfair for W. Cause W really felt hurt about these but she's kinda soft spoken(those gentle lady kind, lol). I don't usually scold anyone unless he/she bully my friend. :)

Disclaimer: I did not at any point of time pinpoint out any personnel in my blog post. Thank you.

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