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Sunday, December 18, 2011


Ohaiiiiyooo! Don't usually stalk people's blogs but yup! Today, I used 2 hours of my time stalking people's blogs(those I know). Those who knows me well, definitely know that I don't usually switch on my laptop so blog wasn't updated and my social networks are basically kinda dead. I'm more active on twitter but compare to my friends, I'm much less active? Hahahahaha. PS: I can be bitchy if I want to. So don't piss me off. :)

2011 is ending. So I've thought of writing down a summary for 2011. Kinda empty, kinda boring, but still... It's what I have been doing. This year I haven't been doing anything basically. Argh, feel so bad saying it but yeap. Haven't  been schooling, so I tried working. Kinda fail but I'm trying. Made some new friends and lost some in the process. Kinda hate to admit but I don't have a best friend. or a BFF. I really wished to have best friends thou. Actually, one is enough. :) I'm 18 and I'm a loner, WTF. In a stable relationship though some times it kinda sucks. BUT I always recalled the good times and I'm over with the sucky times. This is how it is. I just hope that 2012 will be a better year for me.

Christmas is reaching and also.... my 19th birthday. Just hope that it's not as sucky as the previous one. No one remembers it lor...... Fuck it. Tonnes of sad faces :((((((((((((

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