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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunny Banana Saturday

It's a sunny Saturday afternoon.
We have a volleyball, a mat and a birthday boy.
So, we arrived at Sentosa Silso Beach...

 I am the only girl there before the rest of girls came. So the only thing I could do was, 'Smile to the camera and say Cheese!' (HAHAHAHA) The rest of the guys were playing dodge ball and basketball(with a volleyball). It was fun and healthy. Hope Andrew the Birthday Boy likes it.

 They are taking their time to play, so I'm taking my time to take more photos. Another photo of me!!

The girls arrived and started to prepare for Andrew's Birthday.... And yes, it's still at Siloso Beach. Azzura Beach Club!

The celebration was great but I'm too lazy to take anymore photos. So yeap, everything will just end with a photo of me, AGAIN! Hahahaha.

 Omg, I look bald cause I tied all my hair to a ponytail. I'm bald :'( 
Ok nvm, bye!

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