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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do you want to last?

Hihihihi, neglected this space for a while again. I guess, I'm just lazy. Hehehehe. Stayed over at boyf's place for the last few days due to my swollen eyes. Damn pathetic, my eyes one big one small. After it healed, it's like still not proportionate lor. FML.

I think I am getting sick. My throat feels itchy recently and sometimes, I'll just lose my voice for a few seconds and after I clear my throat, I'm back to normal again. Oh no. I don't want to fall sick at all!! Aye, my photo damn cute right! Hehe. I know later got people confirm say that I'm acting cute again lah, but please... I AM JUST 18. WHY CAN'T I FUCKING ACT CUTE FOR THESE 2 YEARS? AFTER THAT WHEN I HIT MY TWENTIES, NO MORE ACTING CUTE YOU KNOW. :( Never mind, recently I'm low profile girl. No more flaming in my blog or negative comments coming up. Which is good news I suppose? HAHAHA.

Oh by the way, here's the topic I wanna share for today. Really need somewhere to vent everything, and here it is. What is a perfect relationship? What kind of relationship is counted as perfect? Do you forgive mistakes? Are you acting or being real in front of your another half? There are tons of questions we'll ask when we are together with someone. Yes no?

Perfect relationship? NO SUCH THING. Like seriously. Blissful? Yes, maybe. But NO PERFECT R/S. Stop wanting to find a perfect guy/girl, there's no such person. Everyone has their own limits so do not expect your another half to be giving in all the way. Impossible. So you'll think, how about someone that loves you more than you do? Maybe the person will give in to you more but not always. They DO flare up if you're getting too overboard. What you expect them to do, make sure you do it too. List down your boundaries and ask them to list theirs. Abide by the list of Not-to-dos.

Never pretend in front of your another half. (Okay, starting everyone will pretend lah. As in, when time goes by.) Tell them about your inner thoughts and how you actually feel. Don't just say 'no' or 'yes' blindly. Think and answer each other truthfully. Never hide your character but you can improve on it thou. The one that stay with you till you've improved is most likely the one. That's how I personally feel about relationship, oh can I side track abit?

Mega Kitty Party is coming up on 13th of June'11 at St. James! There will be Hello Kitty Mascot dancing at the DJ stage. MEGA KAWAII-NESS! There's a Kitty Look-a-like contest on Facebook and I'm contemplating whether to join or not! Sounds exciting thou, hahahaha. I think I look like Hello Kitty the most lor, cause I'm so cuteeeeee. HAHAHAHA. So excited. Shall decide by tomorrow whether to join or not. I'll be at the door for this event at St James, catch me there! Those who need tickets can contact me too via formspring, twitter or facebook! Mega kawaii-ness for Mega Kitty Party! <(*.*)> <- I am not good at it, sorry. :(

Okay, back to topic ok! I forgot what I wanna type already. Shit... Okay can, so basic rules to be in a longer/lasting relationship.

1. Never be too overboard at your demands.
2. Understand your boyf/girlf well.
3. Don't be too annoying(like me). I'm damn annoying, I swear.
4. Don't be too petty. I am petty too, wtf.
5. Basic trust must be slowly built up.
6. Common mutual friends will make the r/s last longer.
7. Spend adequate quality time with your boyf/girlf. This is Important ok!
8. Always remind one another about the happy times.
9. Always remind one another about the things they have done for each other. (Will prevent them from taking things for granted.) <- Boyf always did this to me. :(
10.Give and take. Too much giving or taking is not good for the r/s. One side bound will complain!

Okay, done! Tell me how you feel about r/s via formspring or if you have any questions for me! Alternatively, you can follow me on twitter too. The link is at the top of my blog., I am a frequent tweet-ter okay!
Time for me to get to bed, goodnight and doodles!
PS: Yes, it's 6.17am. My blog is not of a different timezone. I just have a screwed up bodyclock. :(

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